Mustard Wasabi


Mustard Wasabi

Regular price $32.00

Organic non-gmo mustard wasabi micro green
grown in organic and bio-dynamic local Montana
compost mixed with our living soil blend. 
If any supplementation for growth is needed, in or above 
soil we use only organic probiotic nutrients.

Nutritional Value and Facts:
(Each full tray is aprox 10 servings)

Micro Wasabi has bright green, tender, and heart-shaped leaves. The small greens boast an up-front mild flavor that quickly bursts into the distinct spicy notes of the more familiar wasabi root. They are bold and succulent, offering more versatility than the wasabi root but still leave the palate with the pleasant clean finish.

  • Contains Vitamins A, B and C
  • Phytochemicals
  • In a study completed by The University of Maryland in 2013, findings showed that Micro Wasabi contains a concentrated amount of beta-carotene, an antioxidant beneficial for healthy skin and eyes. 

If local to Southwestern Montana delivery arrangements can be made upon request please contact Thank you for any interest or support in our cause, please have a healthy and blessed day from the Eternal Bloom Family.